Sunday, February 15, 2009

I am Batman. I am in Chicago.

If you don't know the newest Batman movies were filmed in Chicago and as we drove down Lake Shore drive, I half expected the capped crusader to come smashing down on the hood of my car.

Blogs to Come....
  1. Why Lyle Lovett is now my sworn enemy.
  2. A length analysis of on the purpose of life and the pursuit of career.
  3. My own personal aptitude test (because all other have failed me)
  4. My time in Athens with the truest person i know - Jill Okey.
  5. Adventures from Nate Johnson and Patrick Gerber's trip to Chicago (Gotham).
  6. And eventually THE PLAN.

One quick Nate Johnson Story.
In order, to save money Nate decided to bring PB&J (good idea). However, he didn't bring bread...Stead he order 12 bread sticks from Favollios to be used as Garlic PB&J sticks (bad idea). Oh, and he drank the marinara sauce. Yes, drank it...not as a dare.

Quote of the trip thus far...
Shannon: Nate did you bring this knife with you?
Nate: You never know when you're going to have to spread the butter

Words to live by, kids.

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